Thursday, June 18, 2015

B-24J Liberator

Went to the event Wings of Freedom at the Yakima airport. It was really cramped in most of the airplane with only a few areas where you could stretch out a little. Looking towards the cockpit.
The narrow catwalk going through the bomb bay to get to the tail section. You had to lower yourself down to get into the bomb bay and you can see my legs as I was sitting while taking the photo.
Looking at the belly gun.
One of the waist/side guns. There is a bit of ghosting in these photos since I was hand holding the camera, I'll have to spend more time to fix the photos up better but it still looks cool to me.
Looking towards the tail gun.
Tail gun from the outside.
Front view.
#HDR #WWII #B24J #B-24J #Liberator #airplane #WingsOfFreedom #Yakima

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