Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Walk In The Fog

I went for a walk with my brother and when we got to the river we saw fog coming off the river. I should have learned by now to take my camera with me everywhere but I haven't, so I hurried home for my camera and got a few nice shots.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Cloudy Hills movie

In the past I've seen clouds flowing down hills and mountains and thought that was happening here. Instead it was just low lying clouds brushing the top of the mountain. I like how, in the movie, the wind turbines look like they are struggling to spin when in reality they were making several revolutions between each photo I took (1 photo every 5 seconds).

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sunflower and a Bee

It has been a while since my last post, I've been kept busy with work and haven't had many opportunities to get out and take some photos. Here are a few of my favorites from wandering around my yard again.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Palouse Falls HDR

I visited Palouse Falls in Washington today with my family. This is a really nice area to photograph, I would love to come when the lighting is better (sunrise or sunset) instead of middle of the day. Still I thought these photos turned out nice as HDR. There were trails going down to the river but I didn't do that this time, maybe next time.
#palousefalls #waterfall #HDR #washington

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Twin Sisters at Night

I visited the Twin Sisters rock formation along the Columbia River tonight. I had some trouble getting the photos to turn out well due to it being too dark to focus on anything. Next time I might try when the moon is out to provide more light to focus and reduce exposure time. My wide angle lens just isn't very sharp in these images, though it seems I captured a meteor. Photos taken during the daytime turn out well enough, still not very sharp, but they still look cool.
I switched to my 50mm lens for these next shots. The silhouette looks nice but I also like being able to see the rocks too. I believe that there is a satellite traveling through this photo (same image just darkened to form a silhouette). It would get bright then go dim as it traveled across the sky.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Macro Monday

Some more macro around my yard today. I've been enjoying the results from my 75-300mm lens set at 75mm with a macro extension tube. I set the lens to either f/14 or f/16 at 1/200 sec with flash enabled.
#macro #macromonday #butterfly #flower #bee #honeybee

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Went to a huge bonfire last night and couldn't resist taking some more photos of the flames. This one, to me, looks like there's a smiley face in the flames.
This one looks like you can see a 3 and a 2 in the flames.
#fire #bonfire #flames

Sunrise or Moonrise?

A short movie I made at a bonfire.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Closer Look at The Backyard

Macro photography is fun, you don't need to drive anywhere to get cool photos. If you have a large yard you could spend hours looking at everything closer than you normally would.


Some macro shots of a spider on my garbage can from a few days ago. I used my 50mm f/1.4 with a macro extension tube and am pretty happy with the results. If I remember correctly I set the aperture to f/11 or so and used the flash. That's the one thing I don't like about the extension tube, you have to set the aperture on the lens, then while holding the depth of field preview button you remove the lens and attach it to the extension tube. I can't wait to get a real macro lens but for now this will do. #spider #macro